Control 101 Conclusion

Q-SYS Control 101 Training : Control 101 Conclusion

1 ) Introduction

8m 37s

3 ) Simple Communication

12m 49s

4 ) Feature License Activation

4m 12s

5 ) Block Controller

19m 7s

7 ) Flow Control

34m 20s

8 ) Control 101 Conclusion

1m 42s

Lesson Description

Control 101 Conclusion 1m 42s

Finish up the course and learn about the 201 course you can take if you're interested in moving on.

Video Transcript

Control 101 Conclusion 1m 42s
That’s it! Congratulations – you’ve completed Q-SYS Training Control 101. After you've watched all
of the videos, completed the exercises, and passed the assessments, you can download your
certificate of completion from your dashboard. It should appear in your profile within an hour.
Wait, that it? That's it, that was a lot to learn. Yeah, but I was only in, like, three videos!
Yeah, but what do you know about Control programming? Well nothing… yet!
A couple of quick reminders, the topics we covered in these videos can go much deeper than we saw
we just skimmed the surface to get you familiar with them. If you want to learn more, open up the
Help file in Q-SYS Designer and look for the Lua Reference Manual, which will cover all of these topics
in more detail. There are also tons of Lua learning resources on the internet, or textbooks you could
purchase. What are you doing? I am signing up for Q-SYS Control class. Right now? Yes… I'd like to be
in more videos please. If you’re continuing on to take one of our in-classroom Q-SYS Control 201
training courses, be sure to bring your Control Worksheet with you, as we’ll continue with the other
exercises that we haven't touched yet. In that class, we’ll use the Custom Controls, Lua Script,
and Block Controller to connect to real third-party devices, and manipulate the return strings
they send. If you’re interested in attending a Q-SYS Control 201 class but you don’t see one available,
be sure to contact your local Q-SYS representative to request information on any upcoming
trainings. Thanks for watching.
Nerd. Diva.